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iciHaiti - Social : Sanitary Improvement in Haitian Prisons
14/10/2019 09:59:52

iciHaiti - Social : Sanitary Improvement in Haitian Prisons
According to the latest report of the UN Secretary-General to the Security Council on the United Nations Mission for the Support of Justice in Haiti (Minujusth) whose departure is scheduled on October 15 of this year, between October 2017 and September 2019, 218 deaths were recorded in the Haitian prison system, resulting in an annual mortality rate of 10.44 per 1,000 detainees – a decrease from 16 per 1,000 in 2017, despite perennial shortages of food and medication.

Through concerted efforts by the directorate, the World Health Organization, the International Organization for Migration, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, and non-governmental organization partners, measures were adopted, such as early screening and feeding programmes for malnourished, anaemic and tubercular patients in detention, and an outbreak of scabies, which affected 2,520 detainees in four prisons, was contained and treated in a holistic manner.

In addition, a training on health care in correctional environments was delivered to 82 corrections officers, including 46 women; and emergency health-care directives were developed by the directorate and MINUJUSTH.

The penitentiary system now counts 1,207 corrections officers, 159 of whom are women. A gender-sensitive recruitment needs analysis is awaiting implementation. Moreover, in collaboration with MINUJUSTH, UNDP and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), the directorate organized two gender awareness workshops for 286 officers, including 37 women, in 8 prisons across the country.

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