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iciHaiti - PNH : First partial assessment 1 death and 4 injured police officers (official)
13/10/2019 09:20:14

iciHaiti - PNH : First partial assessment 1 death and 4 injured police officers (official)
Friday at the end of the day, Chief Inspector Gary Desrosiers, Deputy Spokesperson of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) presented a very partial assessment of the national demonstrations of October 11 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-28982-haiti-flash-residence-of-the-president-the-police-prevents-the-protesters.html mentioning the death of a citizen and 4 police officers wounded, the balance sheet of the wounded demonstratorsnot being available yet...

While the population accuses the police of the death of the young Joubert (17 years) in Saint-Marc, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-28983-haiti-flash-wave-of-violence-the-blood-flows-to-saint-marc.html , Gary Desrosiers, said that this drama had occurred during the attack on the Commissariat of the city of St Marc by heavily armed men, without further details on the origin of the shot, a survey is probably underway.

In addition, he confirmed that two police officers from the Intervention and Maintenance Corps (CIMO) had been shot and two others thrown by stones.

Concerning the material damage he indicated that a vehicle of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) had been burned by a Molotov cocktail, 2 other vehicles of the Departmental Unit of Maintenance of Order (UDMO) had been badly damaged and that a vehicle of the PNH had been riddled with bullets at Les Cayes.

No record of property damage to private property and institutions (vandalism and looting) has been reported yet.

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