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iciHaiti - AVIS Cinema : Making a short film, call for candidacies (scholarship)
01/10/2019 10:50:15

iciHaiti - AVIS Cinema : Making a short film, call for candidacies (scholarship)
The National Museum of the History of Immigration and the Film Research and Testing Group (GREC) are organizing a residency consisting of the reception, in Paris for 6 months, of a Francophone filmmaker to a project of 1st or 2nd short film on the theme of migration.

The residency will run from January 6 to July 3, 2020 :
Can be a director, it must be a first or a second short film (excluding school films or self-produced films). Applicants who have already made a feature film are not eligible.

The total amount allocated for the residence will be 20,000 Euros of which :

A allocation of 5,000 Euros net for the time of the residence at the Museum during 6 months
15,000 Euros for the production of the short film.

Selection Commission :
The selection commission is composed of members of the Greek, members of the National Museum of the History of Immigration, and a personality from the film industry who brings his sponsorship to the laureate. The final selection will be made after a meeting with shortlisted candidates and members of the commission.
The decisions of the jury are sovereign. All candidates will receive an answer by email.

Composition of the application file :

  • A registration form (downloadable with the regulations at the bottom of this page)
    The candidate's CV;
  • If it is a fiction: the synopsis developed and possibly extracts of scenario;
  • If it is a documentary or an experimental film: a summary;
  • A note of intent for the film project (nature of the film envisaged, cinematographic treatment, intentions for the image and the sound ...);
  • A note of intent for the musical part, if any;
  • Watch links for any previous achievements;
  • A detailed proposal of the workshops and meetings scheduled for the residency (see presentation of the residence, point 2);
  • A proposal for an online residency book;
  • The file must not exceed 20 pages.

The Dossier must not exceed 20 pages and must be sent no later than Monday, October 21st at midnight (Paris time), the postmark being the law, in 2 copies linked to:

GREC - Frontiers Call for Proposals
14 rue Alexandre Parodi - 75010 Paris
and by mail at frontieres@grec-info.com
Required format : 1 ​​single file in PDF format of 2 MB Maximum. File name : Prenom-Nom_titreduprojet.pdf

Any incomplete or late submissions will be rejected.

All details, regulations and online application on : www.grec-info.com/fiche_appel.php?id_appel=13


  • Deadline for submission of applications: Monday 21 October 2019 midnight;
  • Announcement of selected candidates for an interview on the Greek and National Museum of Immigration History sites: Tuesday, 3 December;
  • Interviews with the jury: Friday, December 6 at the Museum of the History of Immigration;
  • Candidates selected for the interview must be available on Friday, December 6 to meet the jury;
  • Announcement of the winner at the Greek and Museum sites: week of 9 December at the latest;
  • Scenarios and supporting documents sent by candidates will not be returned to their authors.

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