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iciHaiti - Politic : 130 years later, the writings of Frédéric Marcelin still relevant
29/09/2019 10:02:48

iciHaiti - Politic : 130 years later, the writings of Frédéric Marcelin still relevant
"Last night, I read with great interest the book 'Choses haïtiennes : Politique et littérature (1886)' of our illustrious Frederick Marcelin, novelist, essayist, journalist, politician and diplomat," informs us Gérald Oriol Jr, the Secretary of State for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities, who invites you to share an excerpt, which 130 years later is still relevant

Excerpt from "Choses haïtiennes : Politique et littérature (1886)" :

"Today, it is our social existence that is threatened, it is the work of these heroic go-barefoot before 1804, who did not wait until they were granted freedom, but they took it, and the land too, this land, their domain, by the right of sweat and blood, it is that work which is in danger !

Should we continue to hate and tear ourselves apart, for the homeland to die ? Is it then impossible that the rulers and the governed, abjuring for the common salvation, all the rancor, all the rivalries, finally give the spectacle of a calm and wise Haiti, developing peacefully under the aegis of its own laws and drifting towards the labor and industry all this exuberant sap, all the courage wasted so far in taking arms and revolutions ? Why should not the union be done on this basis ? This is an admirable middle ground, if the parties are left with the slightest patriotism..."

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