
iciHaiti - Training : Professional certification of 140 young people 13/09/2019 09:48:28
This Friday, September 13, as part of the joint implementation with UNICEF of the project to fight against child domestic work https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-24694-haiti-flash-more-than-200-000-minor-children-work-in-the-worst-forms-of-work.html , funded by the Government of Canada, the National Institute of Vocational Training (INFP) and the Office of the International Labor Organization ( ILO) in Haiti will issue certificates to 140 adolescents from different neighborhoods of Cité Soleil and Croix-des-Bouquets, trained in motorcycle mechanics, sewing and transformation of waste into art objects.
The aim of this training is to provide young people aged 14 to 17 with the technical and professional skills that will allow them, in the future, to integrate the labor market and/or to launch in better conditions and within the limits of the law. their own companies in the areas idea their training.
This objective is combined with that of the project, which aims to put in place protection and prevention mechanisms that reduce the exposure of children to the worst forms of child labor, particularly to exploitation through domestic work in Haiti.
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti