
iciHaiti - Politic : Parliament imposed 50% of ministers of cabinet Michel 30/08/2019 08:31:05
50% of the ministers of the new Cabinet of the Prime Minister named Fritz William Michel https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-28619-haiti-flash-reshuffle-of-cabinet-michel-5-new-ministers.html have been imposed by the political blocs of the Parliament revealed Thursday the Senator Ronald Larêche (VERITE) deploring this "sharing of the cake". He wonders how elected officials will be able to pretend to exercise their role of control over their own candidates with impartiality...
He indicates that of the 9 ministers chosen by the Houses of Parliament, Anani Jean François (Health), Marie Lucie Joseph (Education) and Luz Kurta Cassandra François (Tourism) were imposed by the Senate, the other 6 ministers have chosen by the Chamber of Deputies, without providing the names of these ministers...
For his part, he claims not to have participated in these political negotiations, a traditional practice that he considers unworthy of parliamentarians.
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TB/ iciHaiti