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iciHaiti - Jérémie : Nearly 200 young people certified in leadership
12/08/2019 09:57:40

iciHaiti - Jérémie : Nearly 200 young people certified in leadership
Saturday, August 11, on the eve of the celebration of the International Youth Day (IYD), UN Women Haiti, the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Civic Action, the Towm Hall of Jérémie and the Public University of Grand'Anse (UPGA) awarded the University certificates to some 200 young people (50% men, 50% women) trained in leadership, civic participation, gender equity in the first edition of the Summer University of Grand'Anse.

This event joins the theme of this year's IJD 2019 celebration "Transforming Education to Foster the Emergence of a New Generation of Leaders."

Dédé Ekoué, the Resident Representative of UN Women in Haiti, invited recipients to use their new knowledge in their communities, share it and mobilize other young people to create positive change in inclusive society.

Indeed, after this training, these young people are now transformative agents to break out of today's "status quo" and build a better tomorrow for all.

Ms. Dédé Ekoué praised the commitment and determination of the municipal authorities, the Ministry and UPGA, who firmly believe as the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres that peace, economic dynamism, social justice, tolerance among others, depend on their ability to value the potential of young people "Not tomorrow or after tomorrow but today and now."

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