
iciHaiti - Security : 27 accidents at least 188 victims 23/07/2019 08:41:31
The former Director of the National Ambulance Center, Garnel Michel Coordinator of the Haitian Organization Technical and Operational Services to Stop Accident (STOP-Accidents), informs us that from July 15 to 21, 27 accidents on the roads of Haiti, have made at least 188 victims (97 in 5 accidents): 19 dead (including 6 children) and 169 wounded, including several seriously.
Garnel Michel said that these accidents occurred among others in Arcahaie, Cap-Haitien, Cayes, Fond Devil (Mirebalais), Fond Palmiste (St. Louis South) Leogane, Morne Caillot (Port-de-Paix), Morne Cabrit and Thiotte.
Remember that this weekly report was made in partnership with the National Ambulance Center and the Haitian Red Cross. However, due to a lack of resources, the STOP-Accident organization is unable to monitor the state of health of the wounded, some of whom die as a result of their injuries and are not counted.
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti