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iciHaiti - Basketball : Minister's visit to the camp of the Association BAL
20/07/2019 10:58:33

iciHaiti - Basketball : Minister's visit to the camp of the Association BAL
In the framework of the vast project "Konbit vakans 2019", Edwing Charles, the Minister of Youth and Sports visited this week the youth camp organized by the Association "Basketball pou Ankadre Lajenès" (BAL) at the Sport Center for the Hope (Route 9, Port-au-Prince).

"This summer, we mentor young people to fill their time and in this context, we have the honor to visit the Association Association's camp led by Haitian basketball luminaries from the United States," said Minister Charles.

Dave Fils-Aimé, the Executive Director of BAL, congratulated the State for its activities and reminded that BAL is a year-round project for young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods. The BAL camp held at the Sport Center for the Hope brings together 120 young people from Cité Soleil and Martissant.

In addition to being introduced to basketball by Haitian professionals, young people will benefit from guided tours and training for their socialization.

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