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iciHaiti - Belladère : Book Without Borders Festival
15/07/2019 09:28:22

iciHaiti - Belladère : Book Without Borders Festival
The 2019 edition of the Belladère Book Without Borders Festival will be held on Saturday, July 20, 2019 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm at the Belladère Sport Park (Free admission)

This Festival, which aims to commemorate the memory of the city's builder, ex-President Léon Dumarsais Estimé and consolidate the Haitian-Dominican relations, will bring together Haitian and Dominican writers to share common values ​​around the theme "Books : between memory and friendship, let us bring together the two peoples around a common project".

Wherever you are in Haiti or in the Dominican Republic, the organizers of the Festival : "Konbit pou vanse Beladè", the Zile Foundation, the Lorquet Foundation and Colombe a Communication firm in concert with the Mayor of Belladère, invite you to come in large numbers at this event to meet the authors or participate in 3 Panels that will take place that day :

Panel 1 :
"The place of books in the development of a society" Speakers: Gary Victor and Jacques A. Jean-Pierre.

Panel 2 :
"Haiti and the Dominican Republic: the meaning of a latent friendship. Issues and perspectives. Speakers : Watson Denis, Etzer Émile and Dominican writer.

Panel 3 :
"Reflection around Dumarsais Estime, builder of the city of Belladère" Speakers: Lemoine Bonneau, Watson Denis and Dominican Writer.

Note that the evening of the launch of the Festival will take place on Friday, July 19 from 6:00 pm.

Download the Festival program (PDF) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/Festival-du-livre-sans-frontiere-2019-Programme.pdf

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