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iciHaiti - Economy : 24 new microentrepreneurs in rural areas
10/07/2019 10:17:01

iciHaiti - Economy : 24 new microentrepreneurs in rural areas
At the Closing Ceremony in Belladère, of the project "Strengthening Decent Rural Employment Opportunities for Young Women and Men in the Caribbean", implemented in 2016 jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture and the United Nations United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with financial support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); 24 young people from Belladère and Savanette (Central Plateau), whose projects were selected, received their certificates after receiving various training and a grant for the creation of their micro-enterprises.

A total of 60 young people were trained on entrepreneurship, financial education, accounting and business plan development for this project under the theme "Let's create decent employment opportunities for rural youth"

Naromie Thelong from "Namilou transfòmasyon" in Savanette and Leonel Lamour from "Gaj-Eko : Sit agwoekotouristik pè ledèn" in Belladère are two of the beneficiaries of the training courses and grants that allowed them to create their micro-enterprises.

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