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iciHaiti - Security : Bloody beginning of July on the Haitian roads
09/07/2019 08:56:15

iciHaiti - Security : Bloody beginning of July on the Haitian roads
The former Director of the National Ambulance Center, Garnel Michel Coordinator of the Haitian Organization Technical and Operational Services to Stop Accident (STOP-Accidents), informs us that from July 1 to 7, 32 accidents on the roads of Haiti, have made 104 victims : 13 dead and 91 wounded most of the youth involved in motorcycle taxi accidents including several seriously.

Garnel Michel specifies that these accidents have occurred in particular at Aquin, Camp-Louise, Camp-Perrin, Canapé-Vert, Carriès, Jean Rabel, Léogane, Petit-Goâve, Plaine du Nord, 2ème ruelle rivière,

Remember that this weekly report was made in partnership with the National Ambulance Center and the Haitian Red Cross. However, due to a lack of resources, the STOP-Accident organization is unable to monitor the state of health of the wounded, some of whom die as a result of their injuries and are not counted.

Heavy balance sheet for the first week of July that records compared to the last week of June https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-28130-icihaiti-security-heavy-road-toll-in-june-103-accidents-at-least-228-victims.html a 77% increase in the number of accidents (18) and an increase in victims (42) of nearly 240%.

IH/ S/ iciHaiti

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