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iciHaiti - UNESCO : Training workshops on Intangible Cultural Heritage
07/07/2019 10:13:50

iciHaiti - UNESCO : Training workshops on Intangible Cultural Heritage
On the initiative of the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the UNESCO Office in Haiti and the National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO, some forty cultural sector actors, including 15 officials from the Ministry of Culture, cultural operators and tradition bearers, participated from June 29 to July 5 in two training workshops ("International Assistance Request Formulation" and "Development of a Community Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage") aimed at strengthening national capacities to safeguard all the know-how of the Haitian people grouped under the name of intangible heritage.

Friday at the end of this training Mrs. Marie Laurence Durand, Program Assistant at UNESCO, in a press conference said she was very satisfied with the level of the exchanges and the participation in these two workshops of the State University of Haiti and the National Bureau of Ethnology, as well as the contribution of two Peruvian experts and a Haitian expert Kesler Bien Aimé, sociologist and master of history, memory and heritage.

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