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iciHaiti - Economy : Haiti would like to manufacture the textile and not just to assemble it
01/07/2019 09:18:56

iciHaiti - Economy : Haiti would like to manufacture the textile and not just to assemble it
Georges Sassine, president of the Association des Industries d'Haiti (ADIH) has clearly defined the orientations that the Association wishes to give to its actions to add 15,000 additional jobs and cross the $ 1 billion mark of exports in textile subcontracting in 2019.

According to the President of the ADIH, the Government expresses its will to reach the second level of subcontracting which is the manufacture of textile and not only the assembly affirming "We already have the request of four companies that wish to make weaving and knitting in Haiti [...] If we reach this level, it will mean that we are not only in the outsourcing but we have a real textile industry."

However these companies to come to settle in Haiti, need among others : of continuous and cheap energy, water, spaces to welcome them and competent human resources.

TB/ iciHaiti

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