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iciHaiti - Social : A Haitian origami flag offered in Hiroshima
27/06/2019 10:05:14

iciHaiti - Social : A Haitian origami flag offered in Hiroshima
On June 25th, Japanese Ambassador Mitsuaki Mizuno received the visit of Mrs. Guerda Romain-Chatelain, Representative of "Reading Safari" at Ecole Aux Alizés who gave her a painting representing the Haitian flag, composed of Orizuru (paper crane birds) made of origami.

A work that Mrs. Guerda Romain-Chatelain wishes to offer to Hiroshima, one of the two atomic bomb victims at the end of the Second World War that will commemorate the 74th anniversary of this terrible event on August 6, 2019.

It has reproduced the flag of Haiti with nearly 1,000 Orizurus and transformed the Arms of the Republic of Haiti into a Japanese character that means harmony and peace as the motto "The Union is strength".

She took this initiative after the reading to the children, on Sadako Sasaki, a girl victim of the atomic bomb, who had continued to bend the Orizuru hoping to heal its aftermath of the atomic bomb. Since then, the Orizuru has become a symbol of peace in Japan.

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