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iciHaiti - Economy : The World Bank sends a very bad signal for the economy of Haiti
24/06/2019 09:34:01

iciHaiti - Economy : The World Bank sends a very bad signal for the economy of Haiti
The World Bank's latest Global Economic Prospects report released this month shows that growth in the Haitian economy (Gross Domestic Product - GDP) could reach 0.4% in 2019, highlighting that it's Haiti's worst economic performance in 10 years. Forecasts for the Haitian economy that constitute a very bad signal and confirms a chaotic economic situation in Haiti.

A performance that is is the consequence of the socio-political movements since July 2018 that affect the already fragile economy of Haiti, in addition to the bad governance of the Government.

Haiti ranks 23rd out of 26 in the Caribbean and Latin America zone just ahead of Ecuador 0% (24th), Argentina -1.2% (25th) and Nicaragua last with -5% (26th)

A World Bank Growth Forecast for Haiti for 2019 that confirms the theory of many economists and researchers from Harvard, New York and California universities, that countries with a high probability of political turmoil realize the weaker rates of economic growth.

It is for this reason that many countries like the Dominican Republic have made considerable efforts to maintain a stable political environment, capable, among other things, of attracting and encouraging local and foreign private investment for the net creation of jobs and the improvement of the living conditions of its population. In the Dominican Republic with growth of 5.2% of GDP estimated for 2019 is the highest growth rate of the Latin America and Caribbean zone (26 countries) and ranks at the top of the rankings just ahead of Panama (2nd with 5.0 %), according to World Bank forecasts

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