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iciHaiti - Literature : Dany Laferrière receives the title of «Guardian of the Book»
20/06/2019 09:35:54

iciHaiti - Literature : Dany Laferrière receives the title of «Guardian of the Book»
Tuesday at the Karibe Convention Center, during the cocktail offered in honor of Canadian Academician-Haitian writer Dany Laferrière, guest of honor at the 25th edition of Livres en Folie, he was elevated to the rank of "Guardian of the book" by the organizers of the fair, Le Nouvelliste and Unibank in the presence of more than 200 prestigious guests.

"The title of Guardian of the Book is hereby awarded to Dany Laferrière born Windsor Klébert Laferrière by the organizers of Livres en Folie in recognition of his invaluable contribution to the cause of reading, the book and literary creation."

Moved, Dany Laferrière said "This is not a price but a distinction," pointing out that the title of 'Guardian of the book' reminds him of another title that has been awarded by the New York Time that of 'Guardian of the language' paraphrasing its favorite author Jorge Luis Borges when he was appointed director of the National Library of Argentina in 1955 declared 'I only lived for that'," under the applause of the public.

Remember that this Thursday, June 20, the 25th edition of Livres en Folie, 178 authors signed and 1,821 titles available, await visitors in large numbers at Unibank Park in Tabarre.

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