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iciHaiti - Security : Radio Télé Zénith attacked
19/06/2019 08:24:57

iciHaiti - Security : Radio Télé Zénith attacked
On the night from June 17 to 18 at around 3:00 am in Croix-des-Bouquets, unidentified armed individuals opened fire on the premises of Radio Station Télé Zenith (RTZ).

The President the station and Mayor of Croix-des-Bouquet Rony Colin confirmed the information "They want to put, at any price, into execution their long-planned plan. They went from words to action by shooting at RTZ's office early this morning. We denounce this attack and ask police and judicial authorities to do their work."

Several casings were found on the courtyard of RTZ. According to our information, the station security officer reportedly fired back to repel the attackers.

The Office of the Secretary of State for Communication has denounced and condemned this attack "contrary to democratic ideals, including the freedom of the press and of expression and right to information that must be preserve," and reiterates its full support for the press, assaulted and threatened journalists of all kinds and calls on all actors to work for peace, serenity and dialogue for stability.

TB/ iciHaiti

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