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iciHaiti - DR : Nearly 12,745 Haitians deported or turned back to the border
18/06/2019 10:17:37

iciHaiti - DR : Nearly 12,745 Haitians deported or turned back to the border
The Director General of the Directorate General of Migration (DGM), Lieutenant General Máximo William Muñoz Delgado, informs that according to statistical data, 12,745 Haitians have been deported or turned back to the border during the month of May 2019.

8,026 Haitians in irregular migratory situation were deported to Haiti in May after migration control operations in several Dominican provinces : Azua, Espaillat, Montecristi, Puerto Plata, Santiago de los Caballeros, Valverde, the national district and the municipalities of Santo Domingo East, North and West. Another 4,719 Haitians were turned back at the border as they attempted to enter the Dominican territory clandestinely.

Several other foreigners living illegally on the Dominican territory from Belgium, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, the United States, France, Haiti, Russia and the Republic of Uzbekistan, whose the number of which was not specified, were also deported to their country of origin in collaboration with their embassies.

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