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iciHaiti - Reunion Island : A bust of Toussaint Louverture in the Garden of Memory
18/06/2019 09:26:54

iciHaiti - Reunion Island : A bust of Toussaint Louverture in the Garden of Memory
As part of the celebration of the 170th anniversary of the abolition of slavery in Saint-André (Reunion), on the sidelines of an international symposium organized by the association "Kartyé Lib Mémoire" and Heritage Indian Ocean, in tribute to Toussaint Louverture qualified at this colloquium qualified at this colloquium of "leader of the struggle for liberation and emancipation of blacks, father of decolonization" was unveiled in the Garden of the Memory a bronze bust of Toussaint Louverture realized by the Ranger sculptor Nelson Boyer.

Anne Louise Mésadieu, in charge of cultural affairs and popular demonstrations at the Embassy of Haiti in Paris said that the idea of ​​this bust came from the Reunionese, aware of their African origin, which considers Toussaint Louverture as the model of the liberation of peoples Blacks of slavery adding "It is an eloquent gesture of duty of memory, of a painful but transcended history. It is an act of grandeur that honors the island of Reunion [...]"

This ceremony took place in the presence of personalities from many countries (Haiti, Benin, Brazil, France, South Africa, Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Reunion).

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