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iciHaiti - Social : Only 3.8% of orphanages meet Government standards
17/06/2019 09:06:38

iciHaiti - Social : Only 3.8% of orphanages meet Government standards
725 shelters homes (formerly called orphanage) out of 754 identified in 2018) in the 10 departments, which host a total of nearly 26,000 children, do not meet the standards of the Institute of Social Welfare and Research (IBESR), lamented Arielle Jeanty Villedouin, Director General of IBESR

Out of 754 children's homes only 29 (3.8%) meet the standards and are categorized as green. 139 are part of the yellow category and must improve their operating conditions, provide a better living environment for children and comply with standardized standards and 586 houses are classified in the red category, including homes at risk of trafficking, sexual and physical abuse.

Arielle Jeanty Villedouin announces more than 30 measures aimed at correcting this situation, including the prohibition to create new shelters in Haiti, and she asks international donors to direct their funding only to IBESR-approved shelters.

However, she remains convinced that "the environment of a shelter is not the most appropriate place for the development of a child" recalling that nearly 80% of these children have an extended family or a close relative...

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