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iciHaiti - Social : 26 Haitians deported from Guadeloupe
13/06/2019 09:16:03

iciHaiti - Social : 26 Haitians deported from Guadeloupe
Monday, June 10, a boat with 26 Haitians fleeing the crisis in Haiti ran aground on a reef north of Guadeloupe, in a particularly dangerous area and were rescued by customs officers, firefighters and the National Society of Sea Rescue (SNSM). As their health was not in danger, they were placed in detention zones near the airport while awaiting deportations to Haiti.

The Haitians and the smuggler from Dominica (who was taken into custody while waiting to be brought to justice) claimed that they were en route to St. Thomas (US Virgin Islands) in the Caribbean

"Since the beginning of the crisis in Haiti, we are witnessing a recrudescence of arrivals of Haitians," said Mathias Haurat, of the CIMADE Guadeloupe, a foreign aid association, which is concerned about the non-compliance among others others of the principle of non-refoulement, included in the Geneva Convention, according to which a State can not return a refugee abroad, if that are fears for his life in his country.

Wednesday, June 12 the 26 Haitians were sent back to Haiti.

PI/ iciHaiti

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