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iciHaiti - DR : Migration control operations 2,094 Haitians deported
12/06/2019 10:09:18

iciHaiti - DR : Migration control operations 2,094 Haitians deported
The Directorate General of Migration (DGM) informs that it has carried out since the beginning of June migratory control operations in 12 provinces of Azua, Dajabon, Duarte, Espaillat, Hermanas Mirabal, La Vega, Santiago, Montecristi, Peravia, Puerto Plata, San Cristóbal, Valverde and various sectors of the municipalities of Santo Domingo during which 2,652 Haitian nationals have been controlled.

The migratory control teams were composed of inspectors, agents of the DGM with the support of the military, the National Police in coordination with the Public Ministry of the Provinces concerned.

After the verification process using biometric readers and the central database, 2,094 compatriots (79%) were declared in an irregular migration situation and transferred to the border posts of Dajabón and Jimaní to be registered and deported to Haiti.

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