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iciHaiti - Security : 24 accidents and at least 56 victims...
12/06/2019 09:43:06

iciHaiti - Security : 24 accidents and at least 56 victims...
The former Director of the National Ambulance Center, Garnel Michel Coordinator of the Haitian organization Technical and Operational Services to Stop Accident (STOP-Accidents), informs us that from June 3 to 9, 24 road accidents have caused 48 injuries, many of them seriously and at least 8 dead. Note that the dead are all young victims of motorcycle accidents.

Garnel Michel reiterates his appeal to users to be cautious and to the authorities concerned to assume their responsibilities by taking the necessary measures to limit the number of traffic accidents.

Note that this report was made in partnership with the National Ambulance Center and the Haitian Red Cross. However, due to a lack of resources, the STOP-Accident organization is unable to monitor the state of health of the wounded, some of whom die as a result of their injuries and are not counted.

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