
iciHaiti - Japan : Strengthening agricultural and forestry capacities in mountain areas 08/06/2019 10:38:47
Mitsuaki Mizuno, Ambassador of Japan, participated in the meeting of the Joint Coordinating Committee of the "Capacity Building Project for Agricultural and Forestry Technicians in Mountain Areas in Haiti" (PROAMOH2).
Recall that this tripartite project Haiti - Dominican Republic - Japan, aims to strengthen the capacity of farmers and increase the efficiency of agricultural production in the mountainous area through training in Haiti and university in the Dominican Republic. https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-26018-icihaiti-agriculture-89-haitian-technicians-trained-at-dominican-university-isa.html
During this meeting, participants exchanged views on the training and effective extension of agricultural techniques.
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti