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iciHaiti - Politic : Convocation for the opening of the 2nd and last legislative session
08/06/2019 08:49:02

iciHaiti - Politic : Convocation for the opening of the 2nd and last legislative session
In a note dated Friday, June 7, addressed to the senators and deputies, the office of the National Assembly Chaired by Carl Murat Cantave convenes all the parliamentarians at the opening of the 2nd and last legislative session Monday, June 10, 2019 of the 50th legislature.

As the Constitution requires, senators and deputies must meet in "National Assembly" to open and close the sessions. Senate President Carl Murat Cantave and the President of the Chamber of Deputies Gary Bodeau chairs the National Assembly.

It should be noted that before the opening of the 2nd and last ordinary session of the legislative year in the National Assembly, President Carl Murat Cantave could close the Extraordinary Session of Deputies convened by President Jovenel Moïse, although nothing is mentioned for this purpose.

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