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iciHaiti - BRH : Information sessions for microfinance institutions
07/06/2019 10:23:31

iciHaiti - BRH : Information sessions for microfinance institutions
The Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) launched information sessions for the benefit of microfinance institutions (June 3 to July 12, 2019) for, inter alia, a better understanding of the missions of the BRH and to reduce the imbalance of information between actors in the traditional financial sector and those in microfinance.

It was the Governor of the BRH Jean Baden Dubois who launched the first series of information sessions at the beginning of the week, followed by interventions by the Foreign Ministry's executives around the Mission and the role of the Central Bank. The first day continued with a presentation on the theme "The Role of Banker and Cashier of the State" to allow participants to better know and understand the operation of the BRH.

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