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iciHaiti - DR : Reopening of the border crossing point of Malpasse/Jimaní
07/06/2019 09:49:59

iciHaiti - DR : Reopening of the border crossing point of Malpasse/Jimaní
The drivers of the Fond Parisien truckers' union in Haiti who had been blockading the Malpasse/Jimaní border crossing point since 3 June, have lifted their blockade https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-27900-icihaiti-dr-haitian-truckers-block-the-malpasse-border-crossing-point.html

It should be remembered that these drivers demanded that the Dominican courts amend a measure of imprisonment for one month of preventive imprisonment against a Haitian truck driver Orile Cenat, who was involved in an accident on the Azua-Bani road, Dominican Republic that killed 5 people on the Dominican side while the responsibility of the Haitian driver had been cleared.

Following an agreement with the Dominican authorities it was agreed that the Haitian driver would be released on June 11th. However, the drivers of the union of Fond Parisien truckers do not rule out the possibility of resuming their blockade if the Dominican authorities do not respect their commitment.

S/ iciHaiti

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