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iciHaiti - Social : TOP 3 countries where the diaspora transfers the most money
06/06/2019 10:33:38

iciHaiti - Social : TOP 3 countries where the diaspora transfers the most money
Between October 2018 and February 2019 (5 months) Haiti received nearly 1.5 billion US dollars (1,485,175,525) from the diaspora, according to the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH), or an increase of about 7% compared to the same period of the previous year.

TOP 3 of the countries that transferred the most during this period:

1 - United States: 1.41 billion
2 - Chile: 109.3million
3 - Canada: 67.5 million

Follow by France 55.8 million, Brazil 39.3 million, Dominican Republic 42.9 million, Bahamas 29.4 million, Turk & Caicos Islands 23.4 million, Martinique 22.3 million (and other European countries 14.7 million US dollars.

If Haiti receives a lot of money, the country sending too, so during this same period Haiti has made nearly 150 million dollars in transfers. The top 3 recipients are : the United States (82.2 million), the Dominican Republic (30.5 million) and Canada (7.5)

Note that in Haiti remittances from the diaspora represent the main source of foreign exchange and 30% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP (while in our Dominican neighbors, exports are the main source of currency.

IH/ iciHaiti

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