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iciHaiti - OAS : End of mission of the IACHR in Haiti
05/06/2019 09:58:22

iciHaiti - OAS : End of mission of the IACHR in Haiti
This June 5th ends the mission to promote in Haiti the delegation of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) led by its Executive Secretary, Paulo Abrao.

During his stay (2 to 5 June), Paulo Abrao and the members of the delegation had working sessions, notably with Chancellor Bocchit Edmond, who took the opportunity to reiterate the support of the Haitian Government to the IACHR and express his determination to working for the respect of Human Rights, with the Minister for the Status of Women, the Minister for Human Rights, the Protector of the citizen, the Minister of Justice, the Director General of the National Police of Haiti (PNH), the President of the Justice and Security Committee of the Senate, the General Secretary of the Chamber of Deputies and dozens of civil society organizations.

The purpose of these exchanges was to promote the rapprochement of the IACHR (an organ of the Organization of American States - OAS) with Haiti, with a view to developing a culture of respect for human rights on the national territory.

On 3 June, the Commission met at the El Rancho Hotel "Kri Fanm Ayiti" (KRIFA), which discussed the fight against illegal and arbitrary detention, prolonged pre-trial detention, the fight against impunity and the situation of the judicial system in Haiti. The security and corruption that promotes the violation of human rights in Haiti were also discussed.

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