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iciHaiti - Football : Guy François struck by a heart attack
05/06/2019 09:12:13

iciHaiti - Football : Guy François struck by a heart attack
Edwing Charles, the Minister of Youth and Sports was deeply dismayed to hear the news of the death of the number 10 of the 1974 National Football Selection, Guy François, on Monday, June 3, 2019, struck down by a heart attack.

"The football family loses a great athlete, a brilliant midfielder. The country is losing one of its illustrious sons who has put his qualities, his talent to make his pride and honor," said Minister Charles, deeply moved after learning of the disappearance of Guy François.

Minister Charles bows to the remains of this brilliant footballer who marked, by his great technical skills and fighting spirit, the Haitian football of the late 60s and early 70s and helped write one of the most beautiful pages of the history of our sport king.

In these difficult circumstances, the Minister presents his deepest sympathies to his family, his teammates, the Haitian football family and invites the sports sector in general to pay tribute to the dimension of sacrifice and talent of this worthy son of Haiti.

May his soul rests in peace !"

Learn more about Guy Francois :
Born on September 18, 1947, Guy Francois, left midfielder of the Violette Athletic Club showed exemplary self-sacrifice and a typical spirit of sacrifice by accepting to play defensive midfield in the National Selection qualified for the 1974 FIFA World Cup Germany. He proved a hard worker to strengthen the midfielder of the national team alongside Philippe Vorbe and Jean Claude Désir.

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