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iciHaiti - Security : 21 accidents and 75 victims
04/06/2019 09:27:07

iciHaiti - Security : 21 accidents and 75 victims
The former Director of the National Ambulance Center, Garnel Michel Coordinator of the Haitian organization Technical and Operational Services to Stop Accident (STOP-Accidents), informs us that from May 27 to June 2, 21 accidents on the roads of Haiti, killed 75 people including 13 dead (including 9 on the RN2) and 62 wounded, whose several seriously.

Garnel Michel said that these accidents occurred in particular in Aquin, Croix Périsse, Fontamara, Ferrier, Morne brillé, Petit-Goâve, Léogâne, Gonaïves, 33% of which occurred after 11:00 pm the past weekend.

Note that this report was made in partnership with the National Ambulance Center and the Haitian Red Cross. However, due to a lack of resources, the STOP-Accident organization is unable to monitor the state of health of the wounded, some of whom die as a result of their injuries and are not counted.

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