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iciHaiti - Cycling : Caribbean Championship, the evaluation mission satisfied
02/06/2019 09:34:11

iciHaiti - Cycling : Caribbean Championship, the evaluation mission satisfied
Friday Edwing Charles, the Minister of Youth and Sports, accompanied by several government representatives and the Federation of Haitian Cycling (FHC), met in the conference room of the Town Hall of Delmas with members of the Caribbean Cycling Confederation (CCC) and emissaries of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) on an assessment mission to Haiti, in view of holding the Caribbean cycling championship in Port-au-Prince in October 2019, reaffirmed Haiti's commitment to organize this championship "Haiti is ready to welcome foreign athletes [...] The Government is mobilized [...] The Haitian people are waiting for this event that will mark the history of cycling in Haiti."

For Trevor Bailey, President of the Caribbean Cycling Confederation and his secretary general Cyril Mangal, comfortable after this evaluation mission, it was important for them to see on the spot the commitment of the authorities, the ability to organize the championship. Satisfied after evaluating several aspects related to the holding of the competition, they promised to make the leaders of other Caribbean nations understand the bad perception of Haiti's image abroad, during the presentation of the report. Evaluation Committee to the CCC Executive Committee.

In addition, the UCI, in view of the success of the championship, decided to support the Haitian Federation of Cycling and dispatched 3 high-level technicians to work on the specifications, set up the competition through technical visits set up and to supervise Haitian cyclists.

Minister Charles Edwing hopes that CCC's leaders will understand the efforts of the Haitian authorities to obtain the headquarters of the organization of the competition, the repercussions for Haiti are significant.

to be continued...

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