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iciHaiti - Reconstruction : Works of the sub police station of Port-Margot completed at 90%
02/06/2019 08:57:07

iciHaiti - Reconstruction : Works of the sub police station of Port-Margot completed at 90%
Alinx Pierre, the Coordinator of the Office of the North Senator Jean Marie Ralph Fethière (PHTK) informs that the reconstruction work of the sub-police station of the commune of Port-Margot (in the borough of Borgne, North Dept.), burned in 2013 by unidentified individuals, progress and are at 90% completion.

Alinx Pierre recalls that this work is part of Senator Féthière's campaign promise to strengthen the department's security infrastructures and increase their number. In this sense, it reassures the populations where promises of implantation of sub-police station were made, to wait because the steps are in progress in the prospects of their constructions.

In addition, Alinx Pierre invites the authorities to intensify social actions in working class neighborhoods, in order to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable security environment in the department in particular and in the country in general...

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