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iciHaiti - Bayonais : Schoolchildren take control of their environment
30/05/2019 09:51:44

iciHaiti - Bayonais : Schoolchildren take control of their environment
On May 24, officials of the Ministries of the Environment and National Education jointly launched, at Petite Rivière de Bayonais (commune of Gonaïves, Dept. Artibonite), the activities of the 2nd national day of planting of seedlings which mobilized more than 200 schoolchildren, teachers and notables.

Four educational institutions took part in this event: Collège des Frères Nau, the Saint Mathieu Episcopal Institution, the Gilot National School and the Terre Rouge Community School.

This activity was an opportunity for teachers, school directors and local notables to encourage schoolchildren to continue on the same path affirming "a good environmental management can guarantee them a better future.é

As for the schoolchildren, who were very motivated throughout the process, seedlings in their hands walked towards the site reserved for seedling planting.

As a reminder, this second day of national mobilization is part of the implementation of the reforestation project through schools. It will allow schoolchildren from several schools in the Nord, Center, Artibonite and Southeast departments to plant more than 43,000 fruit and forest seedlings.

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