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iciHaiti - Environment : Haiti poorly ranked, 174 out of 180 countries
29/05/2019 09:20:17

iciHaiti - Environment : Haiti poorly ranked, 174 out of 180 countries
The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranked Haiti with a score of 33.74, placing the country to the 174th place among 180 countries, while the Dominican Republic came in 46th place with a score of 64.71, the top 3 is composed of the following countries Switzerland followed by France is Denmark.

Haiti for the quality of the Environmental Performance Index ranks 174th.

For the Environmental Health Index (136) consisting of sub-indexes : air quality (114), water and sanitation (147), heavy metals (179).

For the vitality index of the ecosystem (180), composed of the following elements : biodiversity and habitat (179), forest (117), fisheries (42), climate and energy (132), air pollution (166) , water resource (143) and agriculture (159).

The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is an index created to evaluate, compare and improve the effectiveness of environmental policies. Assessing environmental performance, it was awarded for the first time in January 2006 by researchers from the American universities of Yale and Columbia.

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