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iciHaiti - Economy : DR interested in cooperating to the development of Haiti
28/05/2019 10:50:52

iciHaiti - Economy : DR interested in cooperating to the development of Haiti
At a recent signing session at the Dominican Foreign Ministry (MIREX) in Santo Domingo, Chancellor Miguel Vargas reaffirmed the Dominican Republic's interest in cooperation for the development of Haiti.

In this perspective, Miguel Vargas has signed a cooperation agreement with the Texas International A&M University (TAMIU) whose Center of Studies will advise the Dominican Republic in the organization and development of its maritime and land border zones.

In his speech, Miguel Vargas recalled that TAMIU had assumed the technical coordination of the declaration "Initiative Laredo" tripartite agreement (Haiti, Dominican Republic, United States) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20541-haiti-diplomacy-the-new-chancellor-met-his-dominican-counterpart.html signed by himself and representatives of the Haitian Government on December 6, 2016 https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-19519-icihaiti-security-tripartite-agreement-for-the-modernization-of-the-border.html , in order to reproduce on the Dominican-Haitian border, the model of successful development of the same name, implemented in the border crossing between the United States and the Mexico located in Laredo, Texas, seat of the university.

In this context, Vargas emphasized the collaboration of the research center with "the initiatives that led Laredo to become the example of the global trade it is today" recalling that Haiti was among the top 5 trading partners of the Dominican Republic.

Vargas asserts that a developed border on both sides creates jobs and creates environmental conditions conducive to sustainable human development "We strongly believe that the successful Laredo model will help improve current border conditions, support industrial development, and will create more binational businesses, creating jobs and wealth in the two Nations of the island.

SL/ iciHaiti

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