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iciHaiti - Mexico City : Seminar on the implementation of policies in the fight against corruption
28/05/2019 08:38:18

iciHaiti - Mexico City : Seminar on the implementation of policies in the fight against corruption
A Haitian delegation of executives of the public administration composed of Mrs. Marie Carmen Michel Saint Surin Administrative and Financial Director and Gassendy Calice Alice, Head of the Statistics and Programming Department, both of the Anti-Corruption Unit (ULCC) as well as Movielle Mentor, Assistant Director of National Investigations of the Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics (IHSI) participated in the headquarters of the United Nations Organization against Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Mexico City to a two-day seminar on international standards and sample survey techniques and the implementation of public policies through the production of statistical data.

Presentations followed by discussions enabled them to understand the techniques of collecting, processing and analyzing statistical data during the conduct of a survey as well as the use of these in government decision-making and in the design and implementation of public policies more specifically in the fight against corruption.

This conference provides technical support for the combined efforts of Minujust and UNODC to evaluate the country's long-term anti-corruption strategy and develop a new one. The elaboration of this document must necessarily pass the renewal of the diagnostic survey on governance and corruption carried out in 2006.

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