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iciHaiti - London : Laurent Lamothe inducted into the Hall of Fame 2019
26/05/2019 10:11:03

iciHaiti - London : Laurent Lamothe inducted into the Hall of Fame 2019
Friday, in front of a parterre of high-ranking personalities, the former Prime Minister of Haiti, Laurent Lamothe, was inducted into the Hall of Fame at the UK Summit of Power Brands-London's International Forum on Equality (LIFE) .

In addition to Laurent Lamothe, this evening saw the induction into the Hall of Fame of 9 other world leaders from diverse backgrounds who have built a mark of faith and hope through their conviction and actions, while remaining committed to promote equality, to the extent possible.

Laurent Lamothe has been honored for his outstanding achievements in the struggle for equality and human rights in Haiti through his work with the Dr. Louis G. Lamothe Foundation which is aimed primarily at communities affected by natural disasters in remote villages. And Haiti's mission is to fight against poverty and social exclusion.

Receiving this award Lamothe declared "I dedicate this Prize to my father. The Foundation is in his name. However, it's so much more than a name, it embodies hid spirit and heritage. My father was a committed social activist who fought with passion for equality in Haiti, for an inclusive and united Haitian society."

In his speech Laurent Lamothe said "I think Power Brands LIFE could not be more relevant. Today, the divide between rich and poor continues to widen. At the global level, we are witnessing the decline of the growing middle class and working class, whose fundamental rights, including the right to equality, are under constant threat," adding in conclusion "However, I have hope. Last night, I witnessed a room filled with people who want to change this division, who want to spread equality and promote human values."

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