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iciHaiti - Insecurity : A road worker murdered in Port-au-Prince
26/05/2019 09:53:07

iciHaiti - Insecurity : A road worker murdered in Port-au-Prince
Ralph Youri Chevry, the Mayor of Port-au-Prince, has learned with pain the news of the death of Wilner L'Occident, employee of the road service, murdered Saturday, May 24 by bandits while leaving a branch banking.

"Mayor Chevry associates himself with the staff of the Town Hall and especially that of the road service, to present his sympathies to the family and friends of the victim."

The Mayor of Port-au-Prince condemns once more this situation of insecurity which is gangrenous from day to day and calls on the PNH to take the necessary measures to remedy this situation which worries the Nation.

Recall that he is the second employee of the road killed since the beginning of the year in Port-au-Prince https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26817-haiti-social-condolences-of-the-town-hall-of-port-au-prince.html

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