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iciHaiti - Security : At least 100 dead by bullets in 3 months!
25/05/2019 10:43:18

iciHaiti - Security : At least 100 dead by bullets in 3 months!
According to the (partial) last report of the National Episcopal Justice and Peace Commission ("Komisyon Episkopal Nasyonal Jistis ak Lape" - JILAP), of the Roman Catholic Church in Haiti, at least 100 people were shot dead from January 1 to end of March 2019. Data for the months of April and May are being analyzed.

It should be noted that JILAP in these surveys does not collect information on those wounded by bullets whose number could be much higher than those killed.

At the St-Luc Hospital admitted to having received during this period 40 gunshot wounds, at the Bernard Mevs Hospital where no figures are available on the number of wounded by bullets, we are talking about a worrying situation, as for the General Hospital reported that it is common to admit two wounded by bullets a day, even if some day there is non ... without providing data compiled.

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