iciHaiti - Environment : Public-Private Partnership for the Management of the Quisqueya Natural Park 21/05/2019 10:24:32 Recall that the Quisqueya Natural Park is a private park, with an area of 64 ha, located in a semi-arid area in Fond Parisien, 29 km from Port-au-Prince. Given this peculiarity, it has benefited from the existence of certain plant and animal species : xerophytes (Guaiac, Guaiacum officinale, Aloes and others.) In his speech Geffrard Jean congratulated Minister Jouthe and highlighted the very positive environmental impact of the implementation of this agreement, which will, among other things, make it possible to use methods to cultivate and transform during periods of drought, of vegetals living in dry places, for the benefit of the population. For his part the Minister welcomed this partnership with SODEPA S.A. stressing that the actions of the latter are in perfect harmony with the mission of the Ministry in the protection of biodiversity and endogenous development. The Ministry managers present at this activity, expressed their support for such an approach and promised to ensure at their respective level, the monitoring of the implementation of this partnership to preserve and protect this space, particularly through environmental education and the development of the population. IH/ iciHaiti
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