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iciHaiti - FLASH : Demographic drama among our young girls
17/05/2019 10:49:55

iciHaiti - FLASH : Demographic drama among our young girls
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in its report "The power of choice" reveals worrying data on the sexual health and reproductive capacity of young people in Haiti.

The report recalls that Haiti has a very young population, 50% under the age of 23. And reveals that in the country "Almost 21% of 19-year-old girls are already mothers or pregnant." Noting that the departments of the Center, South, Artibonite, Northwest and Grand'Anse have the most young people between the ages of 15 and 19 who have already given birth to children.

Later the report notes that "The sexuality and fertility of girls in Haiti remain precocious. Before age 15, 13% of girls have ever had sex"

Finally, the report finds that women with no education give birth to an average of 4.9 children, compared with 2.4 for those with secondary education and 1.2 for women with higher education.

Information that we hope will sensitize our health authorities and prioritize the popularization of contraceptive and family planning information before it is too late. Especially since with an average rate of 1.4% over the last four censuses, Haiti has the fastest population growth in the entire Caribbean and a fertility rate per woman of 4.09 children.

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