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iciHaiti - 216th anniversary of the Flag : Message of the former Consul of Haiti Lesly Condé
17/05/2019 09:49:56

iciHaiti - 216th anniversary of the Flag : Message of the former Consul of Haiti Lesly Condé
As part of the celebration of the 216th anniversary of our Flag (May 18), the former Consul General of Haiti in Chicago Lesly Condé delivered his traditional message that we publish in its entirety and that we invite you to read.

"Dear compatriots from everywhere,

This year, we celebrate the 216th anniversary of the Haitian bi-color. The history of this flag is so eloquent that we would like to tell it to the world. There is so much symbolism in these two colors. Today, we Haitians have to look proudly on this symbol of our identity, this two-color that also belongs to the heritage of humanity.

Indeed, May 18, 1803, what happened in Arcahaie, would alter the course of the history of the human race because, astonished, the world would shortly witness the birth of the first black state of the Americas. We must pay tribute to the bravery and pragmatism of our ancestors who managed to meet despite their disagreements, and defying the wrath of the most powerful slavers of the moment.

What makes the creators of our flag and the flag itself more worthy of admiration is the element of distrust. By tearing the white of the tricolor of tyranny with an irreverent gesture, and by uniting blue and red to symbolize a liberating alliance, our ancestors defied the world order of the moment in the name of universal freedom.

The Haitian bi-color is therefore an eloquent symbol of universal freedom that defenders of justice and freedom should venerate everywhere on this planet. We Haitians must be proud of it and pass on this pride to our children. One day, when Haiti wins the battle against isolation and contempt, our flag will once again be a triumphant one.

I thank you for your attention and wish you a Happy Flag Party.

Lesly Condé"

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