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iciHaiti - Diaspora May 18 : Our two-color will float in New Jersey and the Netherlands
15/05/2019 10:29:47

iciHaiti - Diaspora May 18 : Our two-color will float in New Jersey and the Netherlands
Mrs. Michele Delisfort first Haitian-American black mayor elected as head of Union Township (New Jersey, USA) https://www.icihaiti.com/article-https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-26564-icihaiti-diaspora-the-haitian-american-michele-delisfort-mayor-of-union-township.html invites the Haitian community and friends of Haiti to come on Thursday, May 16, 2019 between 5:00 am and 6:00 pm at the rise of our Bicolore at the mast of the town hall located at #1976 of Morris Avenue, to the sound of the Dessalinienne as part of the celebration of the Haitian flag party on May 18.

On this occasion, Michele Delisfort will deliver a special address, which will be followed by a reception hosted by the Union Haitian American Civic Association.

In addition, the Embassy of Haiti near the Benelux and the European Union informs us that because of the influx, the ceremony of commemoration of the Flag Day in Delft (Netherlands) on May 18 from 3:00pm to 8:00pm will take place in the premises of Museum Prinsenhof at Sint Agathaplein 1, 2611 HR Delft. The museum will be reserved exclusively for this occasion and all participants will have the opportunity to visit it for free.

The Embassy specifies that a bus will be made available to participants from Belgium and Luxembourg, subject to availability. The reservation is obligatory for the bus by telephone: 02 649 73 81 or by email: ambassade@amb-haiti.be

The bus will stand in front of the Embassy : 139, Chaussée de Charleroi in Saint-Gilles Brussels and the departure is scheduled at 11:00am sharp. People who have already reserved their place are requested to come to the Embassy of Haiti by 10:30am at the latest.

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