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iciHaiti - La Rochelle : Ralph Youri Chevry the Mayor of P-au-P, France
11/05/2019 09:01:50

iciHaiti - La Rochelle : Ralph Youri Chevry the Mayor of P-au-P, France
Friday, May 10, Ralph Youri Chevry the Mayor of Port-au-Prince, responding to the invitation of the Mayor of La Rochelle (south-west, France) participated in a ceremony on the occasion of the National Day of the Memories of the slave trade and their abolitions.

"This special day commits us, as the first black nation, to advance reflections on the entire memory of slavery, its significance in the history of the world, and what constitutes the abolition of slavery in the evolution of humanity," said Mayor Chevry who said he was honored by this invitation and thanked the Mayor of the city of La Rochelle.

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