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iciHaiti - Diplomacy : 3 new accredited ambassadors
09/05/2019 10:09:03

iciHaiti - Diplomacy : 3 new accredited ambassadors
Wednesday at the National Palace, President Jovenel Moïse, received the credentials of three new ambassadors accredited to Haiti. The Ambassadors are Massimo Ambrosetti (Italy), Stefan Weidinger (Austria) and Madhu Sethi (India).

These new Ambassadors renewed the commitment of their respective countries to continue to accompany Haiti in its efforts to improve the living conditions of its people.

For his part, President Moïse assured them of the will of the Republic of Haiti to work to strengthen the ties of friendship and cooperation between his State and their country.

After the delivery of their credentials, in tribute to the Fathers of the Fatherland, these 3 new diplomats respectively presented a floral offering to the Haitian National Pantheon Museum (MUPANAH) in memory of the Heroes of the Independence of Haiti.

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