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iciHaiti - Social : 47 young people certified on gender violence and positive masculinities
08/05/2019 11:16:51

iciHaiti - Social : 47 young people certified on gender violence and positive masculinities
As part of a joint project (IOM Haiti and UN Women Haiti) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP-Haiti) funded by UN Peacebuilding and named, UN Women Haiti has proceeded on May 5 to the certification of 47 young people Jérémie's men and women who have completed a three-month online training on gender, violence and positive masculinities.

After this training, young leaders emerged and made the commitment to contribute to positively changing things in the city of poets. These young people, through their actions, contribute to creating a climate of peace that will encourage investments for the creation of jobs and wealth in this part of the territory hit hard by Hurricane Matthew in 2016.

These young people experimented with mediation and peaceful conflict resolution tools to combat violence of all kinds. These young people are armed to advocate for social cohesion, stability in the city of Jérémie and its surroundings.

These young people have set up a "Youth Network for Human Rights Defense" which is a platform to promote and defend the human rights of the most vulnerable categories.

These young people are convinced that with stability, social cohesion and peace, they will be able to make Jérémie and Grand'Anse the next tourist area of ​​Haiti in the next 10 years.

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