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iciHaiti - DR : Dominicans temporarily block border access to Dajabón
08/05/2019 10:14:02

iciHaiti - DR : Dominicans temporarily block border access to Dajabón
Tuesday members of the union of truckers affiliated to the National Federation of Dominican Transporters (FENATRADO) of this province, blocked the access of the border crossing of Dajabón with Haiti, by placing trucks in the street Gastón F. Deligne (wide street), close to the border market, preventing access to customs offices, migration and border crossing.

The blockade would have been put in place because of alleged abuses to which several trade unionists of the municipality of Villa Altagracia would be victimized by members of the army and the police.

The Dominican authorities quickly intervened and arrested three drivers affiliated to the union. Tuesday in the afternoon the FENATRADO after negotiation with the authorities began clearing the trucks in exchange for an agreement with the police against the release of the 3 arrested drivers. The agreement has been respected.

S/ iciHaiti

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