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iciHaiti - Politic : Technology at the heart of the 5th national census
06/05/2019 10:52:55

iciHaiti - Politic : Technology at the heart of the 5th national census
Daniel Milbin, the Director of the National Census Committee presented the progress of the 5th national census planned for the last quarter of 2019 and the technologies used, promising a rapid and wide dissemination of statistical data after the census.

He explained that census agents will not use paper to collect information this year, but a digital tablet with GPS to directly obtain home location data. In addition, he stressed that the use of information technology will significantly reduce the time of production of the results asserting that what took 1 year before, will now take only 3 months to make available the first results.

Regarding the number of staff, the logistics and the technological means implemented, he indicated that 20,464 people will work on this census, including : 24 departmental officials, 180 communal officials, 20 auditors, 3,000 district supervisors, 15,000 enumerators and 1,500 guides adding that 20,000 secure digital tablets, identified, are already in storage for this vast operation.

The $29.8 million budget of this census, financed at 27% by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 20% by the Canadian cooperation, 19% by the Haitian Public Treasury and the rest by the World Lack, will be managed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

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